The Refiners Imports Foreign Startups to Silicon Valley for Global Accerlation
In 2016 I was honored to serve as the first “Godfather” for the Refiners, a group of foreign startups partaking in a new acceleration program in San Francisco. As Godfather, I serve as a mentor and...
View Article4 Keys to Designing New Customer Experiences
On a cold and rainy day in Minneapolis before year’s end, I joined my Prophet colleagues at Le Meridien Chambers where we hosted a breakfast of brand champions. It was the second time this year that I...
View ArticleA Personal Story: Why and How I Still Write Books in a Digital World
Believe it or not, I’m a private person. I know it seems ironic. After all, I was one of the early group that worked to bring social media to the forefront in the early 2000s. But, I still tend to not...
View ArticleExperiences are The Core Pillars of Any Brand.
This is for my Danish friends and anyone who believes that the future of business lies in experience design. Via Markedsføringdagen, I juni 2016 havde Dansk Markedsføring besøg af Brian Solis fra...
View ArticleThis is a Time for New Leadership – Building Bridges Between People Who Think...
At the end or beginning of each year, smart folks ask other smart folks to contribute their thoughts about the year ahead. Then everyone promotes their participation and the host benefits from a...
View ArticleExperiences Become Brands and Great Brands Become Experiences
These days, it seems that I travel to events overseas more than in the United States. While many companies around the world believe they are behind U.S. companies, I can say that from first hand...
View ArticleThe definition of Digital Transformation
The definition of digital transformation is the realignment of, or new investment in, technology, business models, and processes to drive new value for customers and employees and more effectively...
View ArticleWhat is Influence 2.0 and why is it important in the future of CX?
Before social media, before modern digital marketing and before DCX and digital transformation, I spent much of the late 90s and early 2000s studying and experimenting with online influence. In...
View ArticleDigital Darwinism: Evolve with Your Customers or Regress Toward Irrelevance
I recently had the pleasure of speaking at Unite host by Satmetrix in New Orleans. Customer experience, IT and management executives from around the world met in the “Big Easy” to learn from one...
View ArticleThe Key to Creativity and Innovation is Empathy
Growing up in Los Angeles and living in Silicon Valley for 20-plus years has plugged me into a unique network of creativity and innovation. Although many would say that I technically live in a bubble,...
View ArticleExecutives Don’t Live the Brand the Way Customers Do and This is Why CX is...
Looking over the horizon. (Image from ad.) The one thing about CRM is that it often has very little to do with “customers” or “relationships” and more to do with the “management” of dated...
View ArticleWhat Makes You a Thought Leader?
That was the question I was recently asked by my friend Vivienne Neale. I wasn’t sure how to reply. After all, we all have our “thought leaders” whom we follow. Me, I always wanted to be part of a...
View ArticleTechonomics: Disruptive Technologies and The Effect on Business and Humanity
My friend Jason Middleton hosts a fascinating program on KGO 810 in San Francisco/Silicon Valley…Techonomics. On the show, he interviews some of the most interesting minds in tech to explore the...
View ArticleCustomer Experience Versus Just Experience: Why the difference is key to...
Customer experience aka CX is one of the most important trends changing business today. And, experts believe that it represents the next big competitive advantage for companies that invest in it. But...
View ArticleIs Your Marketing Strategy Aimed at the Present or the Future?
If you’ve designed your marketing strategy around what your market expects today, you may want to revisit it. Why? Your market will expect something different in the future. And that future is...
View ArticleUber’s Very Bad Horrible String of Events
Uber is en route to a massive IPO. As the company gets closer to its destination, its once 5-star rating is rapidly diminishing. As a result, the company’s president, Jeff Jones, opened the Uber door...
View ArticleDear Startups: Disrupt Yourself To Disrupt The Industry
Here’s something you may not know about me…Before I focused on studying digital transformation, innovation, culture and digital anthropology, I used to exclusively work with enterprise tech companies...
View ArticleCulture is Either the Roadblock or Highway to Innovation – We Need Leadership...
After studying customer experience, digital transformation and innovation for so many years, I’ve found that the next big thing in business (r)evolution is culture. The other most interesting thing...
View ArticleFacebook is Becoming a Social Operating System for Human Beings and Robots
At f8 2017, Facebook aims to become your social network for reality, augmented reality and virtual reality…really. In the heart of Silicon Valley, Facebook once again hosted its highly-anticipated...
View ArticleCustomer Experience is the New Marketing and Customer Experiences are the New...
My friends Rob Cottingham, Gerard Francis Corbett and I have had some fun lately. One way to gain perspective on our modern reality is to do so through humor. So when a several big brands in the...
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